
ARM Emulator by QEMU on Ubuntu 9.04

From google, we know it's possible to emulate ARM in Ubuntu. First, we have to install qemu. $ sudo apt-get install qemu It seems version qemu 0.10.0. If you want to get the latest one, please link to http://www.nongnu.org/qemu/download.html. Second, we have to get an ARM image in above page or direct download from http://www.nongnu.org/qemu/arm-test-0.2.tar.gz Decompress the tarball into some directory, and execute below command. $ sudo qemu-system-arm -kernel zImage.integrator -initrd arm_root.img Click into the window, login as root without any password. Press Ctrl-Alt to exit grab. But what to do next ? Let me think if we can do something with this :)
