
ubuntu 9.04 Installation from HDD

If you want to taste Ubuntu in your XP only, click the wubi.exe in the live cd. or you want a new Ubuntu in another partitiom. 1. Put the live iso in a FAT partition. 2. Extract the vmlinuz, initrid.gz from casper in iso file... 3. Install Grub4dos if you have XP only. 4. and add some words in your menu.lst as below title (090424) Install Ubuntu 9.04 root (hd0,5) kernel /vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso initrd /initrd.gz (hd0,5) is the partition which all aboves are located. 5. Fllow the installation procedure, you will get some message that /isodevice in't able to unmount. Then you have to umount it from terminal as root with parameter -l (#umount -l /isodevice) Some error message will happen, but installation continues :) 6. After reboot, you get a whole new Ubuntu 9.04 (jaunty) with kernel 2.6.28-11.generic.
